When Emergencies Happen
From power outages to coastal storms, New Yorkers with disabilities are safer when they have a plan. We will describe how to create a family plan that includes a person with a disability or with access and functional needs. We’ll offer tips for evacuation, how to call for assistance, and when to shelter in place. We’ll also review what information to gather and how to sign up for Notify NYC.
Thursday, October 17, 2019 | 12-1 pm

Emergencies in School: Planning for your child with a disability
This webinar will cover different kinds of emergencies in New York City public schools, and some things a parent should think about. We will review the rules for NYC schools, different kinds of accommodations that can be provided, and how to create an effective safety plan with your child’s school.
Thursday, October 24, 2019 | 12-1 pm

People with Developmental Disabilities and the Police: Maximizing Effectiveness of Communication and Protecting Safety in Interactions with Law Enforcement
The webinar will cover public safety issues involving people with developmental disabilities, as objects of law enforcement inquiry or as victims of crime. It will review challenges in communication and potential problems in various contexts, such as street encounters, calls by service providers for emergency intervention, and calls initiated by individuals receiving services or third parties.
Thursday, November 7, 2019 | 12-1 pm

Emergency Care of Students with Special Health Care Needs and Chronic Medical Conditions
This webinar will discuss the necessary actions of the school health and safety team in relation to emergency preparedness and medication management. Laws and guidelines pertaining to both will be outlined. Strategies will be shared to address students living with asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies, and other health conditions that may lead to a variety of potential emergencies.
Thursday, November 14, 2019 | 12-1 pm
